Product Description:
View Part 2
Basic Techniques:
Blocks /Defensive:
1. Double side down block in tiger stance
2. Rising block in rising punch, both side in riding stance
3. Knife hand guarding block and lunging Punch, both side in riding stance
4. Palm downward block in downward
5. Double ridge hand guarding blocking In L-stance, riding stance
6. Double ridge hand down block in L- stance, riding stance
7. Double-knife hand down blocks in L-stance
8. Uneven punch in riding stance
9. Low section spear finger attack in forward stance
Combination Techniques:
10. Forward stance two arm block and down block
11. Forward fix stance low section spear finger, L-stance
Down block and back fist attack skipping in step fix
L-stance reverse punch
12. L- stance double ridge hand guarding block , 360 back
Spinning riding stance double ridge stance hand down block
13. L-stance downward hammer fist strike, shifting to forward stance
Back fist attack and reverse inner hammer strike
Shuffling step; 90 degree avoiding
In Fighting Position
14. Shuffling step front hand punch/ ridge hand ( and reverse punch)
15. Skip in reverse punch and shuffling front ridge hand
16. 90 degree avoiding reverse punch
17. 90 degree avoiding reverse punch and skip in front hand ridge in
18. 90 degree avoiding front hand ridge in and reverse punch
19. 90 degree avoiding back leg round house kick
20. Shuffling step front leg axe kick, back turning kick and reverse punch
21. Shuffling front leg round house kick and back turning kick ( and over
Over head cross)
22. Stepping in 360 degree back spinning heel kick
23. 360 degree back spinning step round house kick and back turning kick
In boxing position:
24. Ducking
25. Left and right upper cut
26. Double jab, duck, overhead cross and upper cut
Arrangement Sparring:
27. Close fighting Position
Offense: Shuffling front hand ridge hand and reverse punch
Defense: 90 degree avoiding front hand ridge hand and reverse punch
28. Close fighting position
Offense: Shuffling step front leg axe kick
Defense: Skip back, 360 back spinning heel kick
29. Close fighting Position
Offense: Shuffling front axe kick and round house kick
Defense: Skip back, lateral avoiding reverse punch
30. Close Fighting Position
Offense: Shuffling front leg round house kick and back turning kick
Defense: Skip back, skip back, back leg axe kick
Arrangement sparring with protective equipment.
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