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View Part 2
Introduction to Tae Kwon Do Stretches and Meditation Basic techniques:
Stances: Ready stance, riding stance, forward stance, walking stance, L or Back stance, and fighting stance. How to make a fist and a knife hand.
1. Lunging punch in riding stance
2. Lunging punch in walking stance and forward stance
3. Reverse punch in walking stance and forward stance Blocks/Defensive:
4. Down block in walking stance and/or forward stance
5. Rising block in walking stance and/or forward stance
6. Inward hammer block in walking stance and/or forward stance
7. Reverse inward hammer block in walking stance and/or forward stance
8. Outer forearm block in forward stance
9. Inner forearm block in L-stance
10.Knife-hand guarding block in L-stance Footwork:
Basic: Stepping forward; about face( turning around)
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